Overview of Audit Associate

Audit Associate

Improvements in digital capabilities has enabled audit associates to focus on building a strong compliance foundation and to focus on providing value to clients through their insights and presentations.

Biggest Challenges in Audit

While many conversations surrounding digitalising the audit function has emerged, a recent study conducted with auditors in Singapore1 revealed that the adoption rate of digital tools was low.

Biggest Challenges in Audit-svg

Current adoption of technology tools by finance and audit teams in Singapore

Inadequate technology infrastructure

Inadequate technology infrastructure

Current adoption rates of technology tools among external auditors are relatively low as compared to counterparts in finance teams. An area of great discrepency was in the use of cloud technologies, where auditors cited data privacy and cybersecurity risks as their main concern. Communication tools also need further development to prevent lag times and miscommunications, especially with remote working.

Digital literacy

Digital literacy

The ever-evolving complexity and diversity of IT systems requires auditors to improve their digital literacy. The role of an audit associate requires continuous education on analytics and automation tools to enable focus on providing professional judgement and to develop deeper insights in existing and new areas of reporting. This is especially important for audit associates as technologies would raise the bar in defining “reasonable assurance”.

Limitations of analytic and automation tools

Limitations of AI tools

Given the nature of audit, technologies such as data analytics would likely play an exploratory function rather than a confirmatory one, as these tools are not programmed to identify emerging trends that it has not been trained in and scripted for. Professional judgement would be required to identify irregularities outside of the usual operations.

What Does This Mean For The Audit Function?

As the audit function is expected to provide newer and deeper insights in future, audit professionals will have to:

Develop new skills sets

Develop new skills sets

Auditors need to use professional judgement to synthesise information from AI inputs and other sources of information. Audit associates dealing directly with these technologies will need to acquire data science knowledge, data management and machine learning techniques. Consider upskilling your workforce using the training roadmap found here.

Manage expectations

Manage expectations

Technology raises the standards for “reasonable assurance” because of the ability to analyse large amounts of data. Practices that still rely on sample testing may be questioned and will have to be managed according to clients’ expectations. Clients may also expect faster turnarounds as many parts of audit can be automated or run in parallel.

Leverage on new opportunities

Leverage on new opportunities

Digitalisation of the client’s finance team would provide more opportunities for assurance reporting such as reporting biases in AI tools, controls and processes. It is important for these tools to be used in compliance with regulatory or ethical requirements.

1Deloitte, 2021. Building the tax function of tomorrow—today.
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